import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from scipy.stats import pearsonr
from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency
insurance_data = pd.read_csv("insurance.csv")
print("Preview data")
print("Data description")
insurance_data['sex'] = pd.Categorical(insurance_data['sex'], ['female', 'male'], ordered=True)
insurance_data['smoker'] = pd.Categorical(insurance_data['smoker'], ['yes', 'no'], ordered=True)
insurance_data['region'] = pd.Categorical(insurance_data['region'], ['southwest', 'southeast', 'northeast', 'northwest'], ordered=True)
print("Data types")
Preview data age sex bmi children smoker region charges 0 19 female 27.900 0 yes southwest 16884.92400 1 18 male 33.770 1 no southeast 1725.55230 2 28 male 33.000 3 no southeast 4449.46200 3 33 male 22.705 0 no northwest 21984.47061 4 32 male 28.880 0 no northwest 3866.85520 ==================================================================== Data description age bmi children charges count 1338.000000 1338.000000 1338.000000 1338.000000 mean 39.207025 30.663397 1.094918 13270.422265 std 14.049960 6.098187 1.205493 12110.011237 min 18.000000 15.960000 0.000000 1121.873900 25% 27.000000 26.296250 0.000000 4740.287150 50% 39.000000 30.400000 1.000000 9382.033000 75% 51.000000 34.693750 2.000000 16639.912515 max 64.000000 53.130000 5.000000 63770.428010 ==================================================================== Data types age int64 sex category bmi float64 children int64 smoker category region category charges float64 dtype: object
print("Mean charges:", round(insurance_data.charges.mean(), 2))
print("Median charges:", round(insurance_data.charges.median(), 2))
Mean charges: 13270.42 Median charges: 9382.03
The diagram is strongly left skewed. Many participants are in the low level area with their amount of charges.
chrgs_men = insurance_data.charges[ == 'male']
chrgs_women = insurance_data.charges[ == 'female']
plt.hist(chrgs_men, color="blue", label="men", alpha=0.5)
plt.hist(chrgs_women, color="red", label="women", alpha=0.5)
print(f"Median charges men: {round(chrgs_men.median(), 2)} $.")
print(f"Median charges women: {round(chrgs_women.median(), 2)}$.")
Median charges men: 9369.62 $. Median charges women: 9412.96$.
There's a deviation in the amount of charges that men and women pay, there are more men in the higher area at arounf 40k.
plt.scatter(x =insurance_data.age, y =insurance_data.charges)
cov_age_chrgs = np.cov(insurance_data.age, insurance_data.charges)
corr_age_chrgs, p =pearsonr(insurance_data.age, insurance_data.charges)
age_chrgs_freq = pd.crosstab(insurance_data.age, insurance_data.charges)
chi2, pval, dof, expected = chi2_contingency(age_chrgs_freq)
print('Chi2:', chi2)
Covariance: [[1.97401387e+02 5.08748023e+04] [5.08748023e+04 1.46652372e+08]] ==================================================================== Correlation: 0.29900819333064765 ==================================================================== Chi2: 61548.000000000015
There is a correlation between age data. But what is significant is that the majority remains in the low level areas whereas other participants to already start at high charges with young age.
smoker_sex_freq = pd.crosstab(insurance_data.smoker,
smokers['sex'] =[insurance_data.smoker == 'yes']
sns.countplot(x='sex', data=smokers)
smokers_perc_men = insurance_data.smoker[ == 'male'].value_counts() / len(insurance_data[ == 'male'])
print(f'Men smoking: {round(smokers_perc_men[1]*100, 2)}%.')
smokers_perc_women = insurance_data.smoker[ == 'female'].value_counts() / len(insurance_data[ == 'male'])
print(f'Women smoking: {round(smokers_perc_women[1]*100, 2)}%.')
sex female male smoker yes 115 159 no 547 517 sex female male smoker yes 0.085949 0.118834 no 0.408819 0.386398
Men smoking: 23.52%. Women smoking: 17.01%.
In the pie chart you can see that among the smokers in the data men make up more than 50% (The sexes are equally distributed).
Among all men 23.52% are smokers, compared to that only 17% of women are smokers.
chrgs_smokers = insurance_data.charges[insurance_data.smoker == 'yes']
chrgs_non_smokers = insurance_data.charges[insurance_data.smoker == 'no']
print('Mean charges smokers/non-smokers')
print('smokers:', round(chrgs_smokers.mean(), 2))
print('non-smokers:', round(chrgs_non_smokers.mean(), 2))
print("Standard deviation")
print("smokers:", chrgs_smokers.std())
print("non-smokers:", chrgs_non_smokers.std())
print('Median charges smokers/non-smokers')
print('smokers:', chrgs_smokers.median())
print('non-smokers:', chrgs_non_smokers.median())
print(f'Difference between average charges of smokers and non smokers: \
{round((chrgs_smokers.mean() - chrgs_non_smokers.mean()) / chrgs_smokers.mean() * 100,2)}%.')
plt.hist(chrgs_non_smokers, color="blue", label="non-smokers", alpha=0.5)
plt.hist(chrgs_smokers, color="red", label="smokers", alpha=0.5)
Mean charges smokers/non-smokers smokers: 32050.23 non-smokers: 8434.27 ====================================================== Standard deviation smokers: 11541.547175589121 non-smokers: 5993.781819194933 ====================================================== Median charges smokers/non-smokers smokers: 34456.348450000005 non-smokers: 7345.4053 ====================================================== Difference between average charges of smokers and non smokers: 73.68%. ======================================================
Here we can see that being a smoker or non-smoker does have a big impact on the average charges being faced. The difference between avergage charges of smokers and non smokers is 74,68%. All participants in the high paying area at around 40k and above are caused by smokers. There no smoking members in the group whose charges are in the area at 10k and below where the majority of non smokers is settled.
chrgs_sw = insurance_data.charges[insurance_data.region == 'southwest']
chrgs_se = insurance_data.charges[insurance_data.region == 'southeast']
chrgs_nw = insurance_data.charges[insurance_data.region == 'northwest']
chrgs_ne = insurance_data.charges[insurance_data.region == 'northeast']
plt.hist(chrgs_sw, label="southwest", alpha=0.5)
plt.hist(chrgs_se, label="southeast", alpha=0.5)
plt.hist(chrgs_nw, label="nothhwest", alpha=0.5)
plt.hist(chrgs_ne, label="northeast", alpha=0.5)
print('Sums charges per region')
print('southwest:', round(sum(chrgs_sw),2))
print('southeast:', round(sum(chrgs_se),2))
print('northwest:', round(sum(chrgs_nw),2))
print('northeast:', round(sum(chrgs_ne),2))
sns.countplot(x='region', data=insurance_data)
print('Mean charges per region')
print('southwest:', round(chrgs_sw.mean(),2))
print('southeast:', round(chrgs_se.mean(),2))
print('northwest:', round(chrgs_nw.mean(),2))
print('northeast:', round(chrgs_ne.mean(),2))
Sums charges per region southwest: 4012754.65 southeast: 5363689.76 northwest: 4035712.0 northeast: 4343668.58
Mean charges per region southwest: 12346.94 southeast: 14735.41 northwest: 12417.58 northeast: 13406.38
In southeast region the total sum of charges is higher but there are also more participants from that region than from the others. Still average charges are there the highest as well.
Maybe there is a correlation between smokers and charges in the region.
smokers_sw = len(insurance_data.smoker[insurance_data.region == 'southwest']) * 100 / len(insurance_data)
smokers_se = len(insurance_data.smoker[insurance_data.region == 'southeast']) * 100 / len(insurance_data)
smokers_nw = len(insurance_data.smoker[insurance_data.region == 'northwest']) * 100 / len(insurance_data)
smokers_ne = len(insurance_data.smoker[insurance_data.region == 'northeast']) * 100 / len(insurance_data)
print("Percentage of smokers per region:")
print(f"southwest: {round(smokers_sw, 2)}%")
print(f"southeast: {round(smokers_se, 2)}%")
print(f"northwest: {round(smokers_nw, 2)}%")
print(f"northeast: {round(smokers_ne, 2)}%")
smokers['region'] = insurance_data.region[insurance_data.smoker == 'yes']
sns.countplot(x='region', data=smokers)
Percentage of smokers per region: southwest: 24.29% southeast: 27.2% northwest: 24.29% northeast: 24.22%
In southeast region there are relatively the most smokers. Since we saw that smoking affects the charges heavily this could contribute to the fact, that the average charges are also the highest in this region.
After checking several potential influencers on the insurance charges it got obvious that being a smoker or not has the highest impact on your charges. Growing age also increases the amount of charges but in a slow and steady way - age is not the relevant factor for the group of participants at the area of 40k for charges. When splitting up smokers and non smokers it becomes visible that smokers alone are responsible for the charges in the higher areas at 40k and not a single smoker of the group is settled in the area at 10k where the rest of the non smoking majority lays.
More men than women are included in this high paying group. But also, more men in the group are smoking than women, so probably it is more a question of smoking or not than a question of gender.
Checking on the regions: In southeast region there are relatively the most smokers. Since we saw that smoking affects the charges heavily this could contribute to the fact, that the average charges are also the highest in this region.
Smoking is the main factor for driving up charges.